Roxy Personett
November 12, 2019
Pennsylvania, USA
AKC registered
Light cream
OFA hips - good
OFA elbows - normal
OFA heart - normal
OFA - normal
65 lbs
Pedigree available upon request

active & sporty
Roxy is our first Golden - and has set a high standard for future Goldens that will join Creekside. She is playful, sporty, attentive and loving. She just wants to be around the family and be in the middle of the action. She loves anything outdoors, playing fetch, getting muddy and dirty, chasing her Labrador buddy around the yard, and just having fun wherever she is! She is our working dog, and loves to be given tasks. She is a great swimmer and loves anything water related. She spends hours outside with our kids, taking part in playtime, and she's always ready for a good game of fetch. She is our sporty girl!
She also has a really tender and gentle personality, and aims to please her family. She loves being close to you and enjoys a good belly rub. She has grown up with our little kids, a 7 year old Labrador and also a cat...and she loves them all. She becomes best friends with everyone that she meets, and will never turn down some playtime.
Lacey Personett
April 15, 2021
Bucharest, Romania
AKC registered
Light cream
OFA hips - excellent
OFA elbows - normal
OFA heart - normal
OFA eyes - normal
75 lbs
Pedigree available upon request

affectionate & playful
Lacey comes to us from Romania and has Tramin lineage. That particular line of Goldens are bred to be family dogs with a calm temperament. She has a stocky build, and a beautifully blocky head. She is a gorgeous dog with soft and wavy hair. She is as sweet as can be and just loves to cuddle, but also has a very playful and fun disposition. She is very focused on what her people are doing, and she is her happiest when she's next to us, with our arms wrapped around her neck, but loves to also be active.
She enjoys playing with Roxy, chasing her around the yard. She is not one to play fetch too often, but if Roxy is playing, Lacey will be right beside Roxy chasing her down, instead of the ball! She also enjoys a good run around the yard with Deacon, our 8 year Lab.
Lacey has a sweet and calm disposition, loves kids, other dogs and our cat. She is the perfect addition to our home and buddy for Roxy and Deacon!